• +91-8059567577
  • info@aps-school.in, admission@aps-school.in
Dear Parents, We would like to inform you that the School is starting with the Admission process for Academic Session 2024 – 2025 for Grade Pre-Nursery to Grade IX. Application Forms with details for the same can be collected and submitted, along with the required documents at the School Front Office between 8:30 am and 3:00 pm . Regards Principal Read More



The invention of mobile phones indeed is revolutionary. It has ushered us into an era where we can control almost anything merely by clicking on a button or a touch on the screen. The features of this invention has indeed made our lines so easy. You need not stand in long queues to withdraw money from the bank, or making reservations in a hotel, train or an airplane. You need not deal in cash or carry huge amounts of it to crack a deal.

A touch of the button would digitally transfer the money to finalize it. You can even control the gadgets such as electric fans, AC, washing machines, geysers, locking and unlocking of doors, sitting in the comforts of your room. You can peep into your house while vacationing abroad. So, it really has made our lives so easy. But then there is another side to it as well and that face is really terrifying.

The youngsters of today seem to have develop an infatuation for mobile phones and use them for all wrongful purposes. They stay awake till the wee hours. They watch all the obnoxious content and go on to become criminals. They search for all illegitimate things on the dark web. They capture their partners in compromising positions later on blackmail them. Some of them get so addicted to mobile games and features that they go on to commit heinous crimes such as murder. We come across so many incidents of murder of folks who denied their child of using the mobile.

At The same time we hear of so many suicides just because they were asked to stay away from mobile phones. This addiction is taking a serious toll on the lives of the youngsters and our society is paying heavily for it. This mania is giving nightmares to all of us who are genuinely concerned.

The real thing is how this can be curbed or brought under check. The manufacturers can however play an important role by providing features that give limited access to the objectionable content and the app developers should not develop apps that harm the interests of others. The government should take a proper note of such apps and features and should ban or prohibit them. Such measures would certainly keep our youngsters away from harm.

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